Python, new paradigm in university education


  • Iván José Mendoza Moya



Python, Programming language, High level


The growing need to apply technology in daily life it becomes increasingly imperative to learn a programming language in order to design, develop or modify intricate solutions that are used for data processing, which according to the a rea of interest of each person, may require a high degree of mastery or perhaps a shallow mastery of these languages. Facing a reality, there is a genealogical tree of programming languages, which is branching increasingly into generic or specific alternatives, which base their use on the objective that seeks to reach the interested. No matter the level of training, there is a great variety of programming languages, but regardless of the goal of use as the first indicator, it should be considered an indicatorthat becomes increasingly relevant, this indicator is the learning curve, which classifies languages with a greater or lesser degree of writing complexity ora syntax that looks more like a natural language than a strict language based on norms and rules that obey elaborate syntaxes. Among the programming languages, if this last indicator is considered relevant, there are high­level languages, highlighting the Python language, which, dueto its benefits, is constantly growing by the acceptance of the worldwide community of developers. lf Python is considered to be a high­level language with a growing acceptance of the world community, then it should be the first language that should be learned by ali peo ple, regardless of the initial characteristics of students in university degrees.


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References (14/Nov/2016 08:00)

Vygotski, L. S., Kozulin, A., & Abadía, P. T. (1995). Pensamiento y lenguaje (pp. 97-115). Barcelona: Paidós.

Piaget, J., & lnhelder, B. (1948). La représentation de l'espace chez l'enfant

http://www. lex/ (abril de 2016) (noviembre de 2016)



How to Cite

Mendoza Moya, I. J. (2017). Python, new paradigm in university education. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 13(39), 68–75.



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