Design of system of monitoring and control for incubation and fruiting chambers for the production of edible and medicinal fungi


  • Ysrrael Severino Vargas Montaño
  • Yandira Wermi Molina Peña



Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms, Agricultural production, Electronic control and monitoring, Air conditioning


Agricultural production far human consumption is the starting point far this project. Currently, automation is present in many items, as this leads to have more reliable and more aa:urate data which help us enormously. This project is mainly based on the acquisition, visualization, data storage and control far optimum production. This project aims to contribute society a new form of controlled and monitored electronically agricultura[ production, and make edible mushrooms make part of the population diet.
Traditionally, Cocha bamba has been a diverse agricultural region of cereals, tubers and vegeta bles among others. SinCE fungi, in their mycelial stage, require special conditions far fruiting, we need a temperature drop, and relative humidity and lighting increasing. Thanks to technology, you can recreate weather conditions in controlled artificially environments and growing edible and medicinal mushrooms.


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How to Cite

Vargas Montaño , Y. S., & Molina Peña, Y. W. (2017). Design of system of monitoring and control for incubation and fruiting chambers for the production of edible and medicinal fungi. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 13(39), 44–53.



Artículos Científicos