Analysis and design for the reinforcement of columns of concrete with FRP material and metallic profiles


  • Andrew Louis Revollo Oporto
  • Marcelo Delgadillo Zurita



Reinforcement, Columns, Concrete, FRP, Metallic Edge


This article is an excerpt of a scientific research, carried out from August 2016 to May 2017. A comparative analysis was carried out at a technical and economic leve[ of two methods for the reinforcement of columns of Concrete that suffers from the change of use of the structure as a pathological problem, which weakens and reduces the resilient capacity of the structural elements. To increase this load capacity a reinforcement must be applied so that it can withstand the new function of the structure. The proposed methods for the reinforcement of reinforced concrete columns in the project are the FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymers) and Metallic Edge, which are practical materia Is, they allow an immediate application and do not alterthe architectural conditions of the space.


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How to Cite

Revollo Oporto , A. L., & Delgadillo Zurita , M. (2017). Analysis and design for the reinforcement of columns of concrete with FRP material and metallic profiles. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 13(40), 54–62.



Scientific Paper