Urban Parks with Social Inclusion Metropolitan Area of Cochabamba


  • Carola Miranda Sanchez
  • Daniela Miranda Castellón




Social inclusion, Urban therapy, Urban acupuncture, Habitability, Restoring environment, Quality of life


This review aims to analyze the importance of open space (squares, parks and green areas) called spaces of urban therapy with social inclusion, presenting a conceptual bibliographical review about urban acupuncture, habitability in the open space and the restoring environment, allowing to perform a diagnose and offer recommendations for designs with social inclusion for users of the Cochabamba metropolitan area, with the objective to improve the design in these spaces and to benefit ali social groups in the city, so that they have a better quality of life, wellbeing and an adequate appropriation of the urban space.


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How to Cite

Miranda Sanchez, C., & Miranda Castellón , D. (2017). Urban Parks with Social Inclusion Metropolitan Area of Cochabamba . Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 13(40), 42–47. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v13i40.647



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