Conceptual Design and Aerodynamic Impact Analysis of a Fixed-tricycle Landing Gear for the Miniature Unmanned Air Vehicle (MUAV) "TUNKI"


  • Sergio Alberto Pérez Torrejón



Landing gear, MUAV, Aircraft conceptual design


This works presents the fundaments, methods and calculations for the conceptual design of a Fixed-tricycle landing gear for a Miniature Unmanned Air Vehicle (MUAV), along with its aerodynamic analysis in order to know the impact over the aircraft general aerodynamics. lnitially using qualitative, quantitative and comparative methods, a determination of the initial parameters of position about the aircraft fuselage has been performed, using aircraft data previously determined and satisfying clearance distances and angles requirements. Secondly, structural calculation has been made in orderto define the landing gear struts geometry, using an energy absorption method and making an analogy with a cantilever beam, followed by a structural analysis using the Finite Element Method tool AnsysWorkbench©. Later, an aerodynamic analysis of the proposed landing gear has been performed, getting its aerodynamic drag using analytical approaching methods and comparing the results with a fluid analysis carried out by using the Computational Fluid Dynamics tool AnsysCFX©, obtaining the drag polar, a new aerodynamic efficiency, and observing a maximum velocity reduction at 8.000 and 10.000 RPM. Ali this analysis were made taking in consideration a cruise altitude and velocity. Finally, a final landing gear conceptual design is obtained, along with its aerodynamic analysis and the impact over the aircraft aerodynamics.


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How to Cite

Pérez Torrejón, S. A. (2017). Conceptual Design and Aerodynamic Impact Analysis of a Fixed-tricycle Landing Gear for the Miniature Unmanned Air Vehicle (MUAV) "TUNKI". Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 13(40), 6–30.



Scientific Paper