Technological improvements in the beer fermentation process at C.B.N. "Planta Taquiña"


  • Vanessa Alejandra Mendizábal Quevedo



Brewing technologies, Food safety, Quality assurance, Traceability, Fermentation, Sterile air, Dissolved oxygen


The central theme of this research is directed to the improvement of quality technology applied in breving plants, which was focused on the fermentation process, specifically on the sterile aeration of the must, in which the technological improvement consisted in the installation of a series of filters to guarantee the supply of sterile air to the cold must, and at the same time the implementation of a
rota meter, which would allow us to standardize and have a better control of flow air that is injected into the cold must, searching to provide the yeast with the optimum amount of completely sterile air so that it can develop efficiently, strengthening its cellular membrane and becoming less vulnerable to changes of the environment, observing the effects captured in the fermentation process, improving certain physico-chemical and microbiological parameters, reducing the time of the yeast generation, this way obtaining a final quality product with the characteristics that define it. The result achieved is the implementation of four filters for air sterilization (pre-filter, coalescing filter, active carbon filter and microbiological filter) anda new rota meter. lt is necessary to evaluate this project from the economic point of view, showing, that the company could avoid an expense for possible contamination of the product with the implementation of this technology, thus ensuring the quality of the product and the prestige of the company.


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How to Cite

Mendizábal Quevedo, V. A. (2017). Technological improvements in the beer fermentation process at C.B.N. "Planta Taquiña". Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 13(41), 40–48.



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