Experimental synthesis of an automotive grade urea solution for Diesel combustion engine vehicles applied as an additive for the reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions according to EURO regulations

Síntesis Experimental de una Solución de Urea grado Automotriz para Vehículos de motor de Combustión a Diésel Aplicado como Aditivo para la Reducción de Emisiones de Óxido de Nitrógeno según Normativa Euro


  • Sergio Weimar Lazarte Mercado
  • Carla Alejandra Apaza Rojas Universidad Privada del Valle image/svg+xml
  • Jaime Hamel Fonseca Universidad Privada del Valle image/svg+xml




AdBlue, Urea, Nitrogen Oxides, SCR.


This study shows the synthesis of the automotive grade urea solution additive or AdBlue, from granulated urea from the ammonia and urea petrochemical plant (PAU), as a proposed secondary application to this raw material. The YPFB urea characterization analysis showed the following results: nitrogen content of 46.2 %, apparent density 719.33 kg/m3, Biuret content 0.93 % w/w and formaldehyde content 0.61 % w/w. The additive was characterized according to ISO 22241:2019, obtaining the following results: urea concentration 32.5%, density 1092 g/mL, refractive index 1.3836, Biuret 0.31 % w/w, aldehydes 2816.80 mg/kg, pH 9.4 at 20 °C and alkalinity 0.007 % w/w, that except for the Biuret and Aldehydes content, the additive is framed within specifications of said standard. The performance of the additive synthesized in chemistry and petroleum laboratories under the name Blue Truck was verified against other imported commercial brands AdBlue and BlueDEF, certified by the Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA). These additives were tested in a Euro 5 specification truck, showing a reduction of NOx gases below the specified value of the Euro 5 regulation, which is 2 g/kWh for NOx.


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Author Biographies

Sergio Weimar Lazarte Mercado

Ing. Petróleo, Gas y Energías. Univalle. Cochabamba. Bolivia

Carla Alejandra Apaza Rojas, Universidad Privada del Valle

Ing. Química. Univalle. Cochabamba. Bolivia

Jaime Hamel Fonseca, Universidad Privada del Valle

Lic. Química. Univalle. Cochabamba. Bolivia


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How to Cite

Lazarte Mercado, S. W., Apaza Rojas, C. A., & Hamel Fonseca, J. (2023). Experimental synthesis of an automotive grade urea solution for Diesel combustion engine vehicles applied as an additive for the reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions according to EURO regulations: Síntesis Experimental de una Solución de Urea grado Automotriz para Vehículos de motor de Combustión a Diésel Aplicado como Aditivo para la Reducción de Emisiones de Óxido de Nitrógeno según Normativa Euro. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 19(Especial). https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v19iEspecial.453