Reduction of carbon emissions through the blending of hydrogen/natural gas in the natural gas distribution networks of Bolivia




blending, Hidrógeno, Gas natural, Descarbonización, Inyección de hidrógeno en tubería de gas natural, Reducción de emisones de carbono


The high consumption of fossil fuels in electricity generation and industrial processes, representing more than a third of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, are a priority in the search for decarbonization. On the other hand, hydrogen is a clean, sustainable fuel with a low pollution rate, in addition to being an energy vector, it is also a raw material to contribute to the decarbonization of the planet by blending natural gas with hydrogen. However, it is subject to design and transportation limitations through the natural gas distribution network. Therefore, an analysis of the investigations for the transport system and all secondary equipment will allow an overview of its feasibility of use. This article presents a bibliographic review on different sources of hydrogen production and hydrogen blending parameters in the natural gas network as an alternative to reduce carbon emissions in Bolivia, based on 5 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations Organization (UN).

Keywords: Blending. Hydrogen. Natural gas. Decarbonization. Hydrogen injection in natural gas pipelines. Reduction of carbon emissions.

Abbreviations: Hydrogen ( ), carbon dioxide ( ), hydrogen injection into natural gas grids (HIGG), Steam methane reforming (SMR); Autothermal reforming (ATR); Carbon capture and storage (CCS), liquefied natural gas (LNG).


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Author Biographies

Henry Panozo Villca, Universidad Del Valle (Univalle)

Departamento de Petróleo, Gas y Energías, Universidad Privada del Valle, Cochabamba, Bolivia

Edgar Canelas Jaimes, Universidad Privada del Valle

Departamento de Petróleo, Gas y Energías, Universidad Privada del Valle, Cochabamba, Bolivia


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How to Cite

Panozo Villca, H., & Canelas Jaimes, E. (2023). Reduction of carbon emissions through the blending of hydrogen/natural gas in the natural gas distribution networks of Bolivia. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 19(Especial).