Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene: from Plastic to Orthopedic Medicine.


  • Raquel Calderón Gallardo
  • Adrián Chávez Alanes
  • Matheus Santana Cedo




Biopolymer, Orthopedic implant, Polyethylene, UHMWPE


The versatility of biopolymers, with the constant need for alternative materials for orthopedic prostheses, and the increasing demand for biocompatible materials, led scientists to develop Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE), used in orthopedic prostheses and total replacements of hip and knee. The most relevant characteristics that defend its applicability to medicine are presented, with a relevant historical support. Therefore, this research is dedicated to the uses of UHMWPE, its impact on medicine, along with its structure and properties that makes it so unique, emphasizing on the applications in total joint replacements, whose results were structured after the bibliographic review of degree projects, data sheets of companies dedicated to its production, and scientific articles related to the subject, through the collection and analysis of the most relevant data. Information is provided through the methods and procedures for the manufacture of UHMWPE, in addition to some advantages of the use of this particular polyethylene, which offers a better performance thanks to its mechanical properties, it  stands out among other biopolymers for its high resistance to impacts along with a low coefficient of friction and considerable hardness, placing it among the first positions regarding its applicability in the field of implants in orthopedic medicine.


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How to Cite

Calderón Gallardo, R. ., Chávez Alanes, . A. ., & Santana Cedo, M. . (2020). Ultrahigh Molecular Weight Polyethylene: from Plastic to Orthopedic Medicine. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 16(49), 6–23. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v16i49.350



Review Paper