Prefeasibility Study for a Tannery Wastewater Treatment Services Plant Implementation for the Company INDUQUIM ODAR.


  • Ronald Ortega Gantier



Economic feasibility, Environmental impact, Prefeasibility


This work is a prefeasibility study carried out for the company INDUQUIM ODAR, in order to contribute with an alternative for tanning companies, which are experiencing difficulties in the environmental aspect, which leads to closings, fines and loss of labor sources. The valuation horizon was 14 years, from 2017 to 2031, comprising the aspects of: market research, where unsatisfied demand was determined; project size and location; engineering of the project based on experimental tests and investigations carried out by the company INDUQUIM ODAR, which yielded technical data on the appropriate process for compliance with environmental regulations; administrative organization; economic-financial evaluation, where the profitability of the project was established; economic-social evaluation, which determined the profitability and social benefits of the project, and the environmental evaluation.


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How to Cite

Ortega Gantier, R. . (2020). Prefeasibility Study for a Tannery Wastewater Treatment Services Plant Implementation for the Company INDUQUIM ODAR. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 16(48), 29–49.



Applied Engineering Project