Evaluation of the energy efficiency of the supply side in the Brazil – Bolivia energy integration

Evaluación de la eficiencia energética del lado de la oferta en la integración energética Brasil – Bolivia


  • Renán Orellana Lafuente University of San Simón image/svg+xml
  • Ianca da Silveira de Oliveira Ingeniería Energética
  • Dorel Soares Ramos University of São Paulo image/svg+xml
  • Miguel Edgar Morales Udaeta University of São Paulo image/svg+xml
  • Viviane Tavares Nascimento University of São Paulo image/svg+xml




Electricity, generation, integration, Latin America, Bolivia, Brazil.


This article aims to present methodologies to meet the growing energy demand with a focus on Bolivia-Brazil integration in Latin America. Through an analysis of the possibilities of synergy between Brazil and Bolivia, this study focuses on the optimization of energy matrices in order to meet future demand and reduce environmental and energy production costs for both participants in the process. For this, the characterization of the focus countries of the study is initially analyzed in order to understand the historical evolution of energy management of each one, in addition to the potentials to be addressed given the energy matrix analyzed in question. With the intention of equating possible forms of integration between the two countries, an analysis was carried out regarding energy integrations in South America, mainly in the dynamics of existing relationships, raising cases of success and the approach taken for them. The analysis methodology was created to compare the technical and environmental costs of expanding the energy matrix, to meet the expected demand in 2040. The expansion of the matrix considering the base scenario, with only national resources and consequently the expansion limitations that exist due to physical restrictions in Brazil, and considering the integration with Bolivia, already added to the cost of expansion of transmission represented a reduction of 12% in the expected cost to meet the demand. Based on the techniques of environmental cost reduction of the expansion, the same analysis results in the optimization of the use of natural gas, with the reduction of the total cost of the project of 11% compared to the scenario without integration. In this way, there is an optimization of resources that can be applied to national service and that can be scaled when taking into account integrations with other countries. Finally, the importance of energy integration as a form of socioeconomic development and as a form of protection against climate change is also discussed, given the energy complementarity between both participants in the process. It is expected, therefore, the possibility of presenting an optimization in the face of the use of environmental resources for energy generation, combining a technical-socio-environmental balance to meet the needs of both countries.


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Author Biographies

Renán Orellana Lafuente, University of San Simón

Ingeniero Eléctrico. Profesor de la Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS) y de la Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB). Cochabamba – Bolivia

Ianca da Silveira de Oliveira, Ingeniería Energética

Ingeniería Energética. Analista Senior de Estudios y Gestión de Riesgos Energéticos de EDP do Brasil. Sao Paulo – Brasil

Dorel Soares Ramos, University of São Paulo

Doctor en Ingeniería Eléctrica. Profesor del Departamento de Ingeniería y Automatización de Energía Eléctrica de la Escuela Politécnica de la USP. Sao Paulo – Brasil

Miguel Edgar Morales Udaeta, University of São Paulo

Doctor en Ingeniería Eléctrica. Profesor de posgrado e investigador del GEPEA/EPUSP. São Paulo – Brasil.

Viviane Tavares Nascimento, University of São Paulo

Ingeniera Eléctrica.  Investigadora en GEPEA-EPUSP. São Paulo – Brasil. 


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How to Cite

Orellana Lafuente, R., da Silveira de Oliveira, I., Soares Ramos, D., Morales Udaeta, M. E., & Tavares Nascimento, V. (2023). Evaluation of the energy efficiency of the supply side in the Brazil – Bolivia energy integration: Evaluación de la eficiencia energética del lado de la oferta en la integración energética Brasil – Bolivia. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 19(Especial). https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v19iEspecial.340