Surface Analysis of a Fissure in Flexible Pavement With Infrared Thermography.


  • Marina Pacara Copa



Fissure, Flexible pavement, Infrared thermography


The various pathological manifestations that occur in the flexible pavement such as fissures, deformation, collapse, detachments, loss of the layers of the structure, cracking (fatigue), potholes and patches, etc., being those mentioned the best known to be detected with the naked eye; each of these deserves a dedicated study, with many reasons of why they manifest. This work focused on superficially analyzing a crack in flexible pavement with infrared thermography, performing a 7-hour monitor during the day, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The analyzed fissure belongs to the Itos street in the southern area of Cochabamba, in which 6 points were marked over the length of the fissure. By monitoring the 6 points, a relatively homogeneous upward trend in temperature could be observed and verified at different points, each being different due to the severity that was visibly noticed throughout the fissure path; a maximum and minimum temperature was also observed, which was concluded to show the points of superficial fissure and critical (deep) fissure respectively. Since this is a superficial analysis through the appreciation of the human eye, versus the results of infrared thermography, it deserves a thorough and objective study to expand, corroborate, rule out and correct what has been studied in this case.


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How to Cite

Pacara Copa, M. . (2019). Surface Analysis of a Fissure in Flexible Pavement With Infrared Thermography. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 15(47), 25–32.



Scientific Paper