Prefeasibility project for a mozzarella and cheddar cheese production plant implementation in the city of Cochabamba


  • Eliana Lesly Micordia Romero Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Jorge Eduardo Buitrago Navarro Universidad Privada del Valle



Industrial plant, Prefeasibility project, Mozzarella cheese, Cheddar cheese


A prefeasibility study was carried out aimed to analyze different variables which intervene in a mozzarella and cheddar cheese production plant implementation based on bovine milk, in the city of Cochabamba, with the aim of identifying the viability of the proposal. Despite the limited information on the subject in Cochabamba, Bolivia, a mixed-focus research was carried out; initially of an exploratory type, in order to collect basic data that provide a situational perspective; later, through a descriptive investigation, focused on the consumers of these cheeses (families and restaurants in the city of Cochabamba), in order to generate key information that intervenes in future stages of the project.

The project consisted in two aspects: the market study, where the existing unsatisfied demand and the consumer’s wishes about the aforementioned products were analyzed, and the engineering of the project, where it was established that the production plant would be located in La Maica, with a capacity of 250000.00 liters/year. With the total investment, structure of income and expenses of the project, the profitability indicators (NPV, IRR and B/C) were calculated, which are positive, demonstrating the profitability of the project, because the investement is recovered.


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How to Cite

Micordia Romero, E. L., & Buitrago Navarro, J. E. . (2021). Prefeasibility project for a mozzarella and cheddar cheese production plant implementation in the city of Cochabamba. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 17(50), 170–201.



Applied Engineering Project