Evaluation of the earthquake-resistant performance of a building using Pushover Nonlinear Static Analysis: Case study


  • Edwin Michael Flores Vega Univalle, La Paz




Capacity curve, Response spectrum, Behavior factor, Performance level, Pushover


This article explains the procedure for evaluating whether a building designed without prior earthquake-resistant structural calculation is capable of adequately withstanding an earthquake; this was done from the determination of the behavior and performance level of the structure, values ​​obtained through the method called: Pushover Nonlinear Static Analysis Pushover. To carry out this process, starting data such as: dimensions of the structural elements; applied loads; used materials; As-built plans of the internal reinforcements and the study of soils were required, this one to be able to generate the seismic load according to national regulations (Bolivian Seismic Design Guide).

Subsequently, the model in which the spectral load is assigned was replicated and the Pushover analysis was carried out with the SAP2000, ETABS and Microsoft Excel software, obtaining results that provided a database for proposals on future constructions in the study area. The study could justify the behavior factor used in the Bolivian Seismic Design Guide and demonstrate the resistance of reinforced concrete structures to extraordinary events (earthquakes) despite not being designed for this purpose.


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How to Cite

Flores Vega, E. M. (2021). Evaluation of the earthquake-resistant performance of a building using Pushover Nonlinear Static Analysis: Case study. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 17(50), 56–90. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v17i50.20



Scientific Paper