Numerical simulation of physical parameters in the atmosphere applying the WRF model to analyze the weather within Tiquipaya municipality (Bolivia).


  • Franz Pablo Antezana Lopez Universidad de Beihang
  • Giovana Silvia Cachaca Tapia Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Valeria Coral Rodríguez García Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Sergio Rodríguez Belmonte Universidad Privada del Valle



WRF, Numerical simulation, Atmosphere, Times series, Climate variables, Spatial analysis


Behavior of natural phenomena will be studied through a numerical model, which will allow a weather forecast in its atmospheric variables for the near future. The meteorological variables analyzed were fourfold: wind behavior (speed and direction), radiation, humidity, and temperature. The development of the numerical model will help describe the behavior of a physical system based on mathematical equations that will describe the atmosphere's behavior.


The information to verify and adjust the numerical model was obtained from the in-situ station at Universidad Privada del Valle. A visual adjustment is made to the curves of the simulated climatological variables regarding the curves recorded for temperature, humidity, radiation, wind speed and direction, to evaluate the model effectiveness and reliability. The research concludes that the adjusted model is a tool that will allow a regressive analysis and short-term forecast of extreme climatological events that occur in the municipality of Tiquipaya. This procedure will serve as an early warning system for climatic factors.


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How to Cite

Antezana Lopez, F. P., Cachaca Tapia, G. S., Rodríguez García, V. C., & Rodríguez Belmonte, S. (2021). Numerical simulation of physical parameters in the atmosphere applying the WRF model to analyze the weather within Tiquipaya municipality (Bolivia) . Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 17(51), 38–59.



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