Operation criteria for Artificial Intelligence in the use of traditional medicine for self-care in health


  • Caballero Medina Natalia AikonSoft, Cochabamba, Bolivia
  • Carlos Centro Cultural Kuska de Sabidurías Ancestrales. Cochabamba. Bolivia.
  • Peredo Albornoz Gabriel Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile




Artificial Intelligence, Digital Health, Traditional Medicine, Medicinal Plants, Self-Management, Global Health


The guidelines defined in the Digital Health Strategy 2020 - 2025; the WHO Strategy on Traditional Medicine (2014 - 2025) and the Global Initiative on AI for Health allow understanding the current scenario and the road ahead towards universal health coverage. In this context, this work focuses on the management of information in Artificial Intelligence on the uses and application of medicinal plants of the Andean Amazonian Traditional Medicine for self-care in health. In the framework of the prevention of future or possible pandemics, this works applies a reverse engineering model to characterizing some elements and guidelines that allow the abstraction of notions of quality, safety, rigor and adequate and effective use of medicinal plants used in traditional Andean Amazonian and analyze its potential applications on AI technologies development from indigenous knowledge and the understanding of the natural patterns that guide the balance of the ecosystem.


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How to Cite

Caballero Medina, N., Prado Mendoza, C., & Peredo Albornoz, G. (2024). Operation criteria for Artificial Intelligence in the use of traditional medicine for self-care in health. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 20(56), 15–37. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v20i56.1209