Building capabilities through technological and scientific networks


  • Aguilera Santos Yelka Universidad Privada del Valle



Technological capabilities, Technological development, Scientific innovation , Learning technologies, Information and communication technologies


In this digital context, with unrestricted access to social networks, platforms, and applications, where the user has control and autonomy in their daily uses. This scenario, not necessarily, implies that new technological skills and abilities have helped to improve individual capabilities and overcome the limits of scientific knowledge in our society. This assertion arises as a result of the research: “The academic impact of access to new information and communication technologies, digital ICTs, on the development of the skills of university students.” Research question: What are the academic impacts of access to new information and communication technologies (digital ICTs) on the development of university students' skills? The research method was mixed qualitative/quantitative, with inductive and deductive methods, non-probabilistic sample of typical subjects, experts and probabilistic sample. The results were: Access to digital media does not imply that true use of technological advances is generated. There would not be a generalized development of the educational capabilities of the students. Students do not perceive the importance of building technological networks. Conclusions: Prior to the incentive in the formation of technological and scientific networks, the teaching and student actors will have to be included for a correct learning of these new skills and abilities.


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How to Cite

Aguilera Santos, Y. (2024). Building capabilities through technological and scientific networks . Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 20(56), 38–51.