Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture, 4(5)
Dear authors, reviewers, and readers,
In the coming months, the Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture will continue
publishing world views from various scholars to stimulate further thinking and dialogue about the
connection between humans, biodiversity, green development, the environment, science and tech-
nology, education, and culture.
Eight years remain to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the future does
not seem optimistic. Experts and practitioners believe that most of the policies and solutions im-
plemented so far do not necessarily address the root causes of climate change but look more like a
combination of makeshift and not always coherent patches. The future is still unclear. In addition to
international negotiations and policy, scientists working on sustainability have evolved into a much
broader and more diverse community. Experts focus on environmental pressures, where and why
they occur, and how severe the impacts can be, while businesses and advocates propose solutions to
achieve a more sustainable society. Their work aims to unravel the complexity of the intersections
between humans and nature, and they approach this work from various perspectives. The articles in
this special issue are intended to encourage society, young scientists, and practitioners to reect on
the authors’ views. We hope they will stimulate further thought and discussion.
Finally, we would like to clarify that the ultimate goal is to stimulate debate and encour-
age all those interested in constructive dialogue to think about how to contribute more eectively
to green science, green development, and climate action from a multidisciplinary perspectiveThe
success of the journal is due to the eorts of our international team of editors, board members, anon-
ymous reviewers, authors, readers, and supporting sta. Tremendous eorts have been made to en-
able authors to make decisions on their manuscripts in a short time. We look forward to continuing
our mission with you, our authors, reviewers, and readers, as we continue to serve the journal. Your
suggestions, thoughts, and discussions on how we can move forward are always welcome.
On behalf of the JLASC Editorial Board, we invite you to contribute to the journal world-
wide. The open-access nature of JLASC will allow more authors to make their research visible and
will create opportunities for communication, mutual collaboration, and successful development.
Editorial Board (JLASC)