Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture, 4(5)
¹ Agencia Bolivariana para Actividades Espaciales (Bolivarian Venezuelan Space
* Correspondence:;
Abstract: A very preliminary proposal to make up a system that
cancels the magnetic eld of Earth for executing satellite magnetic
tests in Venezuela is made. Firstly, it is reviewed general satellite
magnetic status considering electrical currents in it and possible
magnetic domains in the structure and equipment is reviewed. After
checking some magnetic cancellation systems, it is concluded that an
optimal option to be selected is a Merri 4-coil system because it oers
good uniformity of magnetic eld in a large relative volume. After
some considerations and taking into account the usual size of a small
satellite, the size of the coils should be around 32 meters. Finally, some
considerations about the movement of the Earth’s magnetic poles are
taken into account.
Keywords: Merri coils, magnetic eld, magnetic moment, vertical
component, horizontal component.
1. Introduction
The objective of this work is to establish which items would be
taken into account to build a satellite magnetic test facility in Vene-
zuela. Firstly, it is considered a general magnetic status of a satellite,
specically referred to small satellites, and then it is proposed a system
of coils to cancel the Earth’s magnetic eld. Some basic calculations are
executed to estimate the characteristics of these coils and then a system
is proposed.
2. Materials and Methods
In a satellite, electrical currents circulate through equipment and
cables. An electrical current generates a magnetic eld perpendicular
to the direction of the ow of the electrical current.
A framework of trajectories of electrical currents inside equipment
and cables generates a satellite magnetic eld, which is associated with
dierent modes of operation of the satellite, creating a dipolar mag-
netic momentum of the satellite. Besides that, materials that make up a
satellite can have a residual and permanent dipole magnetic momen-
tum. Based on that, the satellites could be regarded as heterogeneous
domains of magnetic dipoles. These magnetic dipoles can be added as
independent vectors, generating a total dipolar magnetic momentum
characteristic of the satellite under study. In the following gure this
idea is presented:
Review article
Preliminary proposal to build a magnetic cancella-
tion system for satellite magnetic tests in Venezuela
Arturo Rojas ¹
Citation: Rojas, A. (2022).
Preliminary proposal to
build a magnetic cancellation
system for satellite magnetic
tests in Venezuela. Journal of
Latin American Sciences and
Culture, 4(5), 65-72. hps://doi.
Received: November 17, 2021
Accepted: January 18, 2022
Published: June 29, 2022
Publisher’s Note: JLASC stays
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tional claims in published maps
and institutional aliations.
Copyright: © 2022 by the
authors. Submied for open
access publication under the
terms and conditions of the
Creative Commons Aribution
(CC BY) license (hps://
Journal of Latin American
Sciences and Culture