Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture, 4(5)
¹ Agencia Bolivariana para Actividades Espaciales (Bolivarian Venezuelan Space
* Correspondence:;
Abstract: A very preliminary proposal to make up a system that
cancels the magnetic eld of Earth for executing satellite magnetic
tests in Venezuela is made. Firstly, it is reviewed general satellite
magnetic status considering electrical currents in it and possible
magnetic domains in the structure and equipment is reviewed. After
checking some magnetic cancellation systems, it is concluded that an
optimal option to be selected is a Merri 4-coil system because it oers
good uniformity of magnetic eld in a large relative volume. After
some considerations and taking into account the usual size of a small
satellite, the size of the coils should be around 32 meters. Finally, some
considerations about the movement of the Earth’s magnetic poles are
taken into account.
Keywords: Merri coils, magnetic eld, magnetic moment, vertical
component, horizontal component.
1. Introduction
The objective of this work is to establish which items would be
taken into account to build a satellite magnetic test facility in Vene-
zuela. Firstly, it is considered a general magnetic status of a satellite,
specically referred to small satellites, and then it is proposed a system
of coils to cancel the Earth’s magnetic eld. Some basic calculations are
executed to estimate the characteristics of these coils and then a system
is proposed.
2. Materials and Methods
In a satellite, electrical currents circulate through equipment and
cables. An electrical current generates a magnetic eld perpendicular
to the direction of the ow of the electrical current.
A framework of trajectories of electrical currents inside equipment
and cables generates a satellite magnetic eld, which is associated with
dierent modes of operation of the satellite, creating a dipolar mag-
netic momentum of the satellite. Besides that, materials that make up a
satellite can have a residual and permanent dipole magnetic momen-
tum. Based on that, the satellites could be regarded as heterogeneous
domains of magnetic dipoles. These magnetic dipoles can be added as
independent vectors, generating a total dipolar magnetic momentum
characteristic of the satellite under study. In the following gure this
idea is presented:
Review article
Preliminary proposal to build a magnetic cancella-
tion system for satellite magnetic tests in Venezuela
Arturo Rojas ¹
Citation: Rojas, A. (2022).
Preliminary proposal to
build a magnetic cancellation
system for satellite magnetic
tests in Venezuela. Journal of
Latin American Sciences and
Culture, 4(5), 65-72. hps://doi.
Received: November 17, 2021
Accepted: January 18, 2022
Published: June 29, 2022
Publisher’s Note: JLASC stays
neutral with regard to jurisdic-
tional claims in published maps
and institutional aliations.
Copyright: © 2022 by the
authors. Submied for open
access publication under the
terms and conditions of the
Creative Commons Aribution
(CC BY) license (hps://
Journal of Latin American
Sciences and Culture
Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture, 4(5)
Figure 1. A very rst approximation of the magnetic status of satellites.
In orbit, the Earth’s magnetic eld will exert a torque on the sat-
ellite because its total dipole magnetic moment has not been compen-
sated or reduced. This torque will generate perturbations in the ai-
tude of the satellite (its movement around its center of mass). So, in the
process of development of the satellite, it is measured its total dipole
magnetic moment and then it is compensated by installing small mag-
nets on strategic places on the satellite. Consequently, it is necessary to
measure the total magnetic moment of the satellite in a clean electro-
magnetic environment, which implies cancelling the Earth’s magnetic
eld in the region in which the test is executed.
Based on this argument, the objective is to reduce the total dipole
magnetic moment of the satellite. One way to achieve it is to submit
the satellite to an oscillatory magnetic eld at a high frequency. Thus,
the magnetic dipoles get aligned from the dierent magnetic domains
in opposite directions, such that the vector summations of the dipolar
magnetic moments cancel each other. Then, the satellite magnetic mo-
ment should be made smaller.
Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture, 4(5)
Figure 2. In (a), (b), (c) it is shown the sequence to reduce the total magnetic dipole moment
of the satellite. It is assumed that the magnetic dipole moments change its direction when an
external magnetic eld is applied.
A graphical representation of this idea is presented: at the instant
t1, the satellite is submied to an external magnetic eld in the X-direc-
tion; the dipolar magnetic moments from dierent magnetic domains
would try to get alienated to the direction of the external magnetic
eld. Then, the direction of the external magnetic eld is inverted and
then the dipole moments of the satellite would try to get aligned again.
The oscillatory magnetic eld is executed at high frequency such that
at the instant tn, after several cycles, the magnetic domains would be
distributed approximately equally in +X and –X-directions. This oper-
ation is repeated in Y and Z.
As this study is concerning building a satellite magnetic test facil-
ity, it is necessary to consider that the magnetic environment near the
equator diers from the magnetic environment in the north and south
hemispheres. Thus, it wonders about the possible design of coils in
order to remove the vertical and horizontal magnetic component of the
Earth’s magnetic eld in a specied volume, in Venezuela.
Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture, 4(5)
3. Results
3.1. Propositions to cancel the Earth’s magnetic eld
It is proposed to build a magnetic test facility for small satellites
at about 8 degrees latitude north. So, the vertical component of the
Earth’s magnetic eld should be greater than the value on the equator.
In the beginning, it was considered three kinds of arrangement of
coils to cancel the horizontal component of the Earth’s magnetic eld.
These include Helmhol coils, square coils, Merri coils systems, and
Ruben coils systems. From (Abbo, 2015; Herceg, Juhas, & Milutinov,
2009; Kirschvink, 1992; Magdaleno, Olivares, Campero, Escalera, &
Blanco, 2010; Merri, Purcell, & Stroink, 1983; Pourtau & Terral, 2005),
and as we are interested in obtaining uniformity in the distribution of
the magnetic ux density generated inside these coils, the Helmhol
coil and the square coils are not taken account. The Ruben coils system
oers a good solution with respect to the uniformity of the magnetic
ux density at the centre of the system. However, there are some re-
sults that discuss it and imply higher costs for building this system.
Therefore, it is analyzed in this paper implementation of the Merri
coil system.
3.2. Values of Earth’s magnetic eld in Venezuela
Values of vertical component Hv and horizontal component Hh
of the Earth’s magnetic eld in the probable facility location in Venezu-
ela according to (“ IGRF Model (13th Generation)”, 2019) are:
According to these values, the magnitude of the vertical compo-
nent of the Earth’s magnetic eld is not zero, nor is its value much
smaller than the horizontal component. Therefore, it implies that the
system of cancellation of the Earth’s magnetic eld as the vertical as
the horizontal component should be similar.
3.3. Coil systems proposed
Previously, it was considered two kinds of system of coils: one for
the cancellation of the vertical component and another for the cancel-
lation of the horizontal one. However, as it has to achieve a uniformity
of the magnetic ux density in a specic volume (in this volume is the
satellite for executing the test) then, it has decided to choose the same
kind of system of coils for the vertical component and the horizontal
According to (Herceg et al., 2009; Merri et al., 1983), a Merri
Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture, 4(5)
4-coil system provides a good uniformity of magnetic ux density, and
it is a very well-known system in the scientic community. This sys-
tem achieves a good uniformity in the magnetic ux density when the
number of turns in the inner coil is 0.423514 times the number of turns
in the outer coil. Also, the separations between inner coils and outer
coils follow the next expressions:
And the relationship between a, b and d is illustrated in the fol-
lowing gure:
Figure 3. Illustration of arrangement of coils for cancellation the horizontal component of
the Earth’s magnetic eld.
In the beginning, implementing a square coil system of three coils
was considered. In that way, the uniformity of the magnetic ux den-
sity does not sacrice, and costs would be reduced compared with
an implementation of a four-coil system. However, uniformity in the
magnetic ux density is a characteristic that must be assured.
Also, according to (Magdaleno et al., 2010), a Merri 4-coil sys-
tem, which d has a value of 89.75 cm and volume V of 730882.65 cm
according to their calculation, it is obtained a volume of 50 cm
of the
uniform magnetic ux density inside this system. This is a ratio of just
. Taking into account this architecture, if the size of the coil is
adjusted to 32 m, then it is obtained:
So, if d has a value of 32 m, then just a volume V of 2.26 m
provide a uniform magnetic ux density. However, the dimensions of
small satellites are very near to 1.31 m. Therefore, for this initial pro-
posal, this value is used. Also, it has to be mentioned that according
Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture, 4(5)
to (Herceg et al., 2009; Kirschvink, 1992), the volume V associated with
the uniformity of the magnetic ux density looks to be larger.
Taking into account the following equation to calculate the mag-
netic ux density B at the center of the system (Magdaleno et al., 2010):
It may be speculated that the value of the electrical current
through one turn of the inner (I’) and outer (I) coils could be adjusted
to 1.5 amperes, and d is 32 m. Then, the values for N, the number of
turns for the outer coil, and consequently N’ the numbers of turns for
the inner coil are related by (Herceg et al., 2009; Kirschvink, 1992):
If the direction of the axis in gure 3 is parallel to the direction of
the Earth’s magnetic eld according to the direction of a compass, this
work proposes an arrangement of coils oriented vertically to cancel the
vertical component of the Earth’s magnetic eld. The following gure
illustrates this idea. It is noted that the value of d should be the same
for the horizontal and vertical orientations.
Figure 4. Illustration of arrangement of coils for cancellation the horizontal component of
the Earth’s magnetic eld.
Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture, 4(5)
3.4. Other considerations
Until this moment, just two sets of Merri 4-coils have been con-
sidered: one set to cancel the vertical component of the Earth’s mag-
netic eld and another one to cancel the horizontal component of the
Earth’s magnetic eld because the arrangement of the coils would be
built such as these are aligned to the direction of the north magnetic
pole. This supposition does not take into account a scenario in which
the Earth’s magnetic poles move (Wie, 2019).
Based on that, it is suggested to add a third set of Merri 4-coils
to be used to compensate for changes in the direction of the horizontal
component of the Earth’s magnetic eld. However, at this moment, it
cannot be assured what kind of coils could be utilized and its charac-
teristics such that accomplish uniformity in a generated magnetic ux
Also, additional reviews must be done related to power consump-
tion, electrical resistances of coils, inductances, and other parameters
related to magnetic dipole moment (Abbo, 2015; Lackey, 1968; Me-
hlem, 1978).
4. Discussions
After considering dierent kinds of coil systems, the Merri 4-coil
system is suitable to cancel the Earth’s magnetic eld. We could have
considered Merri’s 3-coils system to cancel the vertical component
of the Earth’s magnetic eld to reduce costs. However, it would im-
ply reducing the uniformity of magnetic ux density generated inside
coils, which could conduct non-suitable magnetic measurements on
satellites under study. Additional studies related to what kind of ma-
terials could be used to build the system, the generation system for the
electrical current, vibrations of the coils, and other issues have to be
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: the author of this work acknowledges to the man-
agers of ABAE to authorize to publish this article.
Conicts of Interest: The author declares no conict of interest.
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